javascript - DOM Exception 8 Error - Leaflet w/ Clustering -

i have leaflet map pulls in data geojson file , clusters it, so:

var markers = l.markerclustergroup({     showcoverageonhover: true,     spiderfyonmaxzoom: true   });  var geojsonlayer = l.geojson(thefts, {     oneachfeature: function (feature, layer) {         layer.bindpopup(;     } });  markers.addlayer(geojsonlayer); map.addlayer(markers); map.fitbounds(markers.getbounds()); 

the middle piece what's giving me trouble:

var geojsonlayer = l.geojson(thefts, {     oneachfeature: function (feature, layer) {         layer.bindpopup(;     } }); 

every time try click on popup, console error says uncaught error: notfounderror: dom exception 8. th error stack looks this:

uncaught error: notfounderror: dom exception 8 leaflet.js:7     o.popup.o.class.extend.onremove leaflet.js:7 leaflet.js:6 leaflet.js:7     o.popup.o.class.extend._close leaflet.js:7     o.marker.include.closepopup leaflet.js:7     o.marker.include.togglepopup leaflet.js:7 leaflet.js:6     o.marker.o.class.extend._onmouseclick leaflet.js:7     t.(anonymous function).s 

any thoughts might causing this? know there have been other questions related dom exception 8, couldn't find pertains i'm doing.


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