java - Android: Disable checkboxes without graphical change? -

is possible -subject-? right if set checkboxinstance.setenabled(false); checkbox gets "disabled graphics", grayed out , more transparent. trying same, need keep checkbox active-looking.

the reason have onclicklistener on parent element. works alright seems when checkbox touched, checkbox gets un/checked without firing off listener of parent (and of course fire always).


edit: looking (code in as3, of course there no graphics wouldn't work ...but theory):

var s:sprite = new sprite(); var cb:sprite = new sprite(); //let's assume checkbox  s.addchild(cb); //cb inside of s addchild(s); //s added display list  s.mousechildren = false; s.addeventlistener(, fireclick);  //cb have mouse listener well, nothing happen s.mousechildren set false 

gosh, easy... setclickable(false) or android:clickable="false". that's it.


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