node.js - Sort the list and insert a new column in mongodb -

i need sort states , figure out highest temperature each state in weather data residing in mongodb.

how iterate through each record in javascript , insert new column 'month_highest' when figure out highest temperature state ?

day time    state   airport temperature humidity windspeed 1   54  vermont btv 39  57  6 1   154 vermont btv 39  57  4 1   254 vermont btv 39  57  5 1   354 vermont btv 38  70  5 1   454 vermont btv 34  92  11 

16 53 florida orl 46 71 9 16 153 florida orl 47 71 8 16 253 florida orl 46 73 8 16 353 florida orl 47 74 8 16 453 florida orl 46 79 7 16 553 florida orl 46 79 5 16 653 florida orl 46 83 4

mongodb map-reduce

db.temps.mapreduce(     /* map */     function() {         emit( this.state, this.temperature);     },      /* reduce */     function key(key, values) {         var ret = 0;         (var i=0; i<values.length, i++) {             if (values[i] > ret) ret = values[i];         }         return ret     },      /* params */     {          query: {               datetime: {                   $gte: new date('2013-01-01')                  ,$lt: new date('2013-02-01')               }          }           ,sort: {              state:1          }     } ); 

as inserting new month-max, depends on how want store it? how querying data?

you could output results new collection, or use programmatically update collection. depends on how want data shaped. looks flat data stands.


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