r - Properly Configuring the PI ODBC Client so that RODBC can be used -
i trying use osisoft's pi odbc client. on 64 bit windows 7 machine. because of issues 32 64 bit connecions, osisoft came this workaround. after following directions able see pi-odbc driver in odbc data source administrator , able configure it. problem when open r , use package rodbc error. code used , error generated:
> library("rodbc", lib.loc="c:/program files/r/r-2.15.3/library")
ch <- odbcconnect("piwhi")
warning messages: 1: in odbcdriverconnect("dsn=piwhi") : [rodbc] error: state im014, code 0, message [microsoft][odbc driver manager] specified dsn contains architecture mismatch between driver , application 2: in odbcdriverconnect("dsn=piwhi") : odbc connection failed
i'm lost why not working. know setting odbc client worked...a rep osisoft confirmed this. i'm not sure why r isn't able connect it
as turns out pi odbc driver 32 bit driver. because using 64 bit version of r, connection not take place. changed 32 bit version of r , worked well.
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