reporting services - How to default a SSRS report to PRINT PREVIEW -

i converting access reports ssrs reports client application. clients requirement is, when open ssrs report, should default open print preview. unable find property in ssrs sets it. suggestions? or help? please!

nope, have assume mean when open 'reportviewer' can immiediately see option save file. however.... ssrs has pretty cool features built can depending on access rights , levels.

  1. you can give user rest uri can set 'format' render , give them report in format. excel , pdf junkies. works this: ( ensure understand landing page ssrs reports , service reportserver)

    http:// (servername)/reportserver/pages/reportviewer.aspx?%2f(directoryname)%2f(reportname)&rs:command=render&rs:format=pdf 

    the rest uri on ssrs's service pretty cool can put parameters in, set rendering options, , choose other options.

  2. expanding on 1 if client needs on custom viewer, can consume ssrs web service in form object in html so:

    <form id="frmrender" action="http:// (servername)/(pathtoreport)" method="post"  target="_self"> <h3>my report title</h3> render in following format:<br/> <select id="rs:format" name="rs.format" size=1> <option value="html4.0">html 4.0</option> <option value="pdf">pdf format</option> </select> </form> 

    this give person can't take second hit print preview offered 2 choices of either html or pdf

  3. still not enough? can extract out ssrs service local c# or class proxy object , build custom .net interface client build reports in binary formats. have done custom interaction in existing services when event happens report needs go out. aware process pretty time consuming suggest parts 1 , 2 unless want dive deep rdl language code. if read other thread on diving deeper: programmatically export ssrs report sharepoint using reportservice2010.asmx


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