ios - Can I use RestKit 0.20.3 to submit a request with OAuth parameters required by Yelp? -

i writing ios app requests data yelp.

i have code manages yelp requests/responses , parses json data returned internally. current code builds oauth parameters requests using oauthconsumer jon crosby.

i came upon restkit yesterday, , found appealing. eliminate of request submission , response parsing doing.

but hit roadblock, because have not been able figure out how generate oauth parameters yelp requires restkit. worked through ray wenderlich restkit tutorial @, uses client id , client secret (as required foursquare).

yelp requests need have consumer key, token, signature method, signature, timestamp , nonce. have been unable find add-on restkit can generate particular set of oauth parameters.

i generating restkit requests using afoauth1client developed matt thompson. yelp api returning invalid signature error when send request.

i puzzled because have checked fields in http authorization header, , correct. error seems indicate yelp wants oauth parameters in url, api documentation says acceptable send them in authorization header.

here invalid signature error i'm getting:

2013-08-26 15:34:54.806 restkityelpgroupon[2157:400b] e object request failed: underlying http request operation failed error: error domain=org.restkit.restkit.errordomain code=-1011 "expected status code in (200-299), got 400" userinfo=0xa876190 {nslocalizedrecoverysuggestion={"error": {"text": "signature invalid", "id": "invalid_signature", "description": "invalid signature. expected signature base string: get\\u0026ll%3d32.893282%252c-117.195083%26oauth_consumer_key%3d(my consumer key)%26oauth_nonce%3dc0f25d91-b473-4059-b5f6-2d850a144a1d%26oauth_signature_method%3dhmac-sha1%26oauth_timestamp%3d1377556409%26oauth_token%3d(my oauth token)%26oauth_version%3d1.0%26term%3dsushi"}}, afnetworkingoperationfailingurlrequesterrorkey=>, nserrorfailingurlkey=, nslocalizeddescription=expected status code in (200-299), got 400, afnetworkingoperationfailingurlresponseerrorkey=}

here code using generate requests:

nsurl *baseurl = [nsurl urlwithstring:@""]; afoauth1client *oauth1client = [[afoauth1client alloc] initwithbaseurl:baseurl key:consumerkey secret:consumersecret]; oauth1client.accesstoken = [[afoauth1token alloc] initwithkey:tokenkey                                                secret:tokensecret                                               session:nil                                            expiration:[nsdate distantfuture]                                             renewable:no];  [oauth1client registerhttpoperationclass:[afjsonrequestoperation class]];  // accept http header; see [oauth1client setdefaultheader:@"accept" value:@"application/json"];  rkobjectmanager *objectmanager = [[rkobjectmanager alloc] initwithhttpclient:oauth1client];  rkobjectmapping *couponmapping = [rkobjectmapping mappingforclass:[coupon class]]; [couponmapping addattributemappingsfromdictionary:@{@"id" : @"id"}];  rkobjectmapping *businessmapping = [rkobjectmapping mappingforclass:[business class]]; [businessmapping addattributemappingsfromdictionary:@{@"name" : @"name"}]; [businessmapping addpropertymapping:[rkrelationshipmapping relationshipmappingfromkeypath:@"deals" tokeypath:@"location" withmapping:couponmapping]];  rkresponsedescriptor * responsedescriptor = [rkresponsedescriptor         responsedescriptorwithmapping:businessmapping     method:rkrequestmethodget     pathpattern:nil     keypath:@"response.venues"     statuscodes:rkstatuscodeindexsetforclass(rkstatuscodeclasssuccessful)];  [objectmanager addresponsedescriptor:responsedescriptor]; [objectmanager getobjectsatpath:@""                      parameters:queryparams                         success:^(rkobjectrequestoperation * operaton, rkmappingresult *mappingresult) 

any further assistance appreciated!

take @ using afoauth2client , setting client when init rkobjectmanager.


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