objective c - NSImageView resized with image size -

i'm new obj-c/cocoa programming , facing problem nsimageview.
goal create app allow user put image on drag&drop.

the problem following : when we're dropping image larger window, resizes window image size, i don't want that !
put nsimageview nsscrollview part of image must showed , user move sliders view entire 1 (or resize window), that's want..

here xib hierarchy (concerned part) :

  • view
    • nsscrollview
      • view
        • nsimageview

in code of nsimageview, have (about problem) :

[self setimagescaling:nsscaleproportionally]; [self setimage:newimage]; 

note: sliders seem move view , not image
note2: can't resize window lower size image

i have horrible aversion nib files , prefer things programmatically whenever possible i'm not that... here's little listing little nsscrollview test app coded similar. non-self-contained thing mentioned in code chunk window name, refers nswindow * window created. , self here refers controller object.

nsimage * myimage       = [nsimage imagenamed:@"myfilename.png"]; nsrect imagerect        = nsmakerect(0.0,0.0,myimage.size.width,myimage.size.height);   self.myimageview        = [[nsimageview alloc] initwithframe:imagerect]; self.myimageview.bounds = imagerect; self.myimageview.image  = myimage;  self.myscrollview       = [[nsscrollview alloc] initwithframe:[window.contentview frame]]; self.myscrollview.hasverticalscroller = yes; self.myscrollview.hashorizontalscroller = yes; self.myscrollview.documentview = self.myimageview; self.myscrollview.bordertype = nsnoborder; self.myscrollview.scrollerstyle = nsscrollerstyleoverlay;  window.contentview      = self.myscrollview; 

i know that's perhaps not solution looking maybe helps debug? in particular, didn't funny nsimageview besides give frame, bounds rectangle, , nsimage *, don't think need worry scaling parameter per se -- in fact, if want image full-sized , scroll around it, want nsimageview's frame same size image doesn't have scale @ all. maybe that's problem -- frame small? ok nsimageview frame bigger window -- that's lets scroll around it.


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