python - Where do I put a function to count foreign keys in Django? -

i have django model object, record, has foreign keys 2 other models recordtype , source:

class record(models.model):     title = models.charfield(max_length=200)     record_type = models.foreignkey(recordtype)     source = models.foreignkey(source) 

question: if want count number of record objects refer recordtype id "x" , source id "y", appropriate area of code put function?

right have in , feel violation of best practices "fat model, thin views", want move i'm not entirely sure if row-based or table-based type of operation, i'm not sure if should implemented model method, or instead manager.

here's current (working) logic in

record_count = record.objects.filter(, 

just clear, isn't question of how count, in area of code put function.

here's similar question, addressing "how to" not "where": counting , summing values of records, filtered dictionary of foreign keys in django

if result involves multiple rows, table-related method, , according django conventions, should manager method.

from the django docs:

adding manager methods preferred way add “table-level” functionality models. (for “row-level” functionality – i.e., functions act on single instance of model object – use model methods, not custom manager methods.)


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