c# - Datagridview checkbox column has a dead area -

i have datagridview (winforms) checkbox column other text-based columns. i've worked through of common issues around checkbox columns documented on site.

however, have 1 remaining problem. able click "directly" on checkbox , respond way want. however, if move mouse pointer between cell boundary , checkbox control, , mouse click, able select cell state of checkbox not toggle. problem more evident when row height bigger given row.

thanks help

note: not, repeat not, issue occurs when focus moves off given checkbox cell after checked. have 1 solved.

this not issue. how supposed work. grid column can have cellclick events , cellcontentclick events. since want checkbox check when click anywhere inside cell, should use cellclick. among other events need listen for, added following code:

    private void grid_cellclick(object sender, datagridviewcelleventargs e)     {         if ((e.columnindex == 1) && e.rowindex != -1)         {             this.mygrid[1, e.rowindex].value = !(bool)this.mygrid[1, e.rowindex].value;             this.mygrid.endedit();         }     } 


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