java - Do we need to extend struts-default package always? -

do need extend struts-default package? seeing following exception on server startup:

caused by: error building results action loginscreen in namespace /user - action - file:/c:/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/eclipseapps/struts2example/web-inf/classes/login.xml:9:30 


<package name="login" namespace="/user" >     <action name="loginscreen">         <result>pages/login.jsp</result>     </action> </package> 

if add extends="struts-default" above package server starts without error.

can please give more details on error/exception?

in configuration using dispatcher result type default configure result. type defined in struts-default package package should extend. it's not obligatory extend package, have support struts2 framework need @ least root package extend struts-default.


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