uilabel - NSRangeException Out of Bounds error -

i setting attributed text of label, , getting strange error: terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsrangeexception', reason: 'nsmutablerlearray replaceobjectsinrange:withobject:length:: out of bounds'. have never seen error before, not sure how fix it. here code causing crash:

if ([cell.wavetextlabel respondstoselector:@selector(setattributedtext:)]) {     const cgfloat fontsize = 16.0f;      //define attributes     uifont *boldfont = [uifont fontwithname:@"helveticaneue-medium" size:fontsize];      // create attributes     nsdictionary *attrs = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:boldfont, nsfontattributename, nil];      nsrange rangeofis = [cell.cellwaveobject.wavestring rangeofstring:@" is"];     nslog(@"the range of is: {%lu, %lu}", (unsigned long)rangeofis.location, (unsigned long)rangeofis.length);     nsrange namerange = nsmakerange(0, rangeofis.location);     nslog(@"the range of name: {%lu, %lu}", (unsigned long)namerange.location, (unsigned long)namerange.length);      nsmutableattributedstring *attributedstring = [[nsmutableattributedstring alloc] initwithstring:cell.cellwaveobject.wavestring];     [attributedstring setattributes:attrs range:namerange];      //set label text     [cell.wavetextlabel setattributedtext:attributedstring];  } 

i set exception breakpoint, , crashing on line [attributedstring setattributes:attrs range:namerange]; know how can fix this?


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