java - how can I hook into a stream of 802.15.4 frames? -

using packet sniffer able detect , read "hello word" payload within 802.15.4 frame.

it's great can see frames in sniffer, i'm @ point parse payload out , useful things it.

i wondering if community point me sample c/c++/java (or labview, doesn't matter) code uses hardware (like xbee) , can parse out payload in order useful operations.

is possible use packet sniffer have purpose?

i appreciate / advise.

edit: have written better tool this:

if still interested there few tools can receive sniffed packets in more friendly environment.

i "wrote" 1 such tool combining 2 others available on github.

see here more info

nb: have careful version of firmware have loaded on sniffer, ti change format of bytestream time time.


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