JSF request scope with get parameter -

i know there many similar threads no mine:

i have requestscope bean:

@managedbean @requestscoped public class bean implements serializable{     private string username = ""; //managed textbox     private string password = ""; //managed textbox      private string id ="-";      //load parameter usual:     @postconstruct     public void fetchparams(){         system.out.println("fetch params");         facescontext facescontext = facescontext.getcurrentinstance();         string id = facescontext.getexternalcontext().getrequestparametermap().get("id");         if(id == null || id.length() == 0) return;         setid(id);     }      // getters & setters      public void dosomething(){ //executed when clicked on sumbit-button on jsf-site         staticfunctions.dosomething(this);     } } 

the code following: retrieves get-parameter "id" , saves string id (confirmed string.out....).

but when method dosomething() executed , stored "id" read , returns "-" (like nothing happened).

why so?

your managedbean @requestscoped , destroyed @ end of request. when dosomething() executed user submitted form , started new request. should see "fetch params" twice in console because 2 beans created second request id null.

you can find detailed explanation 4 jsf-scopes here.


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