automated tests - Can I define like a main in sikuri? a way to run a serie of sikuri file one by one automatically -

i try make automatic test on sikuli, have many tcs in sikuli files, need file on sikuli run 1 one without human actions, know can batch or sukili file run files, isn't way main in scrip in sikuli?

1) sikuli can use python modules syntax. used in practice.

my old module started this:

# import import sys sys.path.append("/program files/sikuli") sikuli.sikuli import *  # sikuli functions further. 

then imported module python module in sikuli/python main routine , used it's functions. can put tc in modules , call them "main" module.

2) there works on integrating sikuli robot framework, general purpose testing framework. can google them out.

unfortunately, worked sikuli versions before 1.0 , , don't know how going (there 1 developer on sikuli , things don't go smooth). in general, answer "yes, can" (other way or another), can't give clear full details now.


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