Creating a custom round button in android -

can me out here. trying create small round button represent lottery ball using simple self created xml class round_button.xml. keep getting error on , on when ive put code through w3schools validator " error parsing xml: junk after document element." cannot see issue here , maybe missing clear, dont know. please me out. here code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape      xmlns:android=""     android:shape="oval" />     <solid         android:color="#ff0000"  </shape>     

you missing bit of concept of closing tags. have / on android:shape="oval" />. closing tag @ end </shape> no need use />.

secondly haven't ended <solid tag />. try like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape     xmlns:android=""     android:shape="oval" >     <solid         android:color="#ff0000" /> </shape>     


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