curl - how to get google chrome web browser active tab's Url (vb6) -

i not url chrome version29.because url control can not found using spy++.

       option explicit      private const wm_gettext = &hd     private const wm_gettextlength = &he      private declare function sendmessage lib "user32" alias "sendmessagea" (byval hwnd long, byval wmsg long, byval wparam long, lparam any) long     private declare function getdesktopwindow lib "user32" () long     private declare function findwindow lib "user32" alias "findwindowa" (byval lpclassname string, byval lpwindowname string) long     private declare function findwindowex lib "user32" alias "findwindowexa" (byval hwnd1 long, byval hwnd2 long, byval lpsz1 string, byval lpsz2 string) long      private sub command1_click()         dim dhwnd long         dim chwnd long          dim web_caption string * 256         dim web_hwnd long          dim url string * 256         dim url_hwnd long          dhwnd = getdesktopwindow         chwnd = findwindowex(dhwnd, 0, "chrome_widgetwin_1", vbnullstring)         web_hwnd = findwindowex(dhwnd, chwnd, "chrome_widgetwin_1", vbnullstring)         url_hwnd = findwindowex(web_hwnd, 0, "chrome_omniboxview", vbnullstring)          call sendmessage(web_hwnd, wm_gettext, 256, byval web_caption)         call sendmessage(url_hwnd, wm_gettext, 256, byval url)          msgbox split(web_caption, chr(0))(0) & vbcrlf & split(url, chr(0))(0)      end sub  

i using vb6

chrome no longer using chrome_omniboxview. i'm looking new solution...


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