objective c - Sqlite not inserting data once the application is stopped and execute again iPhone -
im developing simple application in creating sqlite database , insert data it. working fine , data insert table.
but when stop application(in xcode) , run again data not inserting database.
this code used:
+(dbmanager*)getsharedinstance{ if (!sharedinstance) { sharedinstance = [[super allocwithzone:null]init]; [sharedinstance createdb]; } return sharedinstance; } -(bool)createdb{ nsstring *docsdir; nsarray *dirpaths; // documents directory dirpaths = nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains (nsdocumentdirectory, nsuserdomainmask, yes); docsdir = dirpaths[0]; // build path database file databasepath = [[nsstring alloc] initwithstring: [docsdir stringbyappendingpathcomponent: @"schedulerdatabase.db"]]; bool issuccess = yes; nsfilemanager *filemgr = [nsfilemanager defaultmanager]; if ([filemgr fileexistsatpath: databasepath ] == no) { const char *dbpath = [databasepath utf8string]; if (sqlite3_open(dbpath, &database) == sqlite_ok) { char *errmsg; const char *sql_stmt ="create table if not exists scheduler (date integer primary key,event text)"; if (sqlite3_exec(database, sql_stmt, null, null, &errmsg) != sqlite_ok) { issuccess = no; nslog(@"failed create table"); } sqlite3_close(database); return issuccess; } else { issuccess = no; nslog(@"failed open/create database"); } } return issuccess; } -(bool)savedata:(int)date withevent:(nsstring *)event { const char *dbpath = [databasepath utf8string]; if (sqlite3_open(dbpath, &database) == sqlite_ok) { nsstring *insertsql = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"insert scheduler (date, event) values(\"%d\", \"%@\")",date,event]; const char *insert_stmt = [insertsql utf8string]; sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, insert_stmt,-1, &statement, null); if (sqlite3_step(statement) == sqlite_done) { return yes; } else { return no; } sqlite3_reset(statement); } return no; }
when stopped project , tried save database entering in else condition of loop.
if (sqlite3_step(statement) == sqlite_done) { return yes; } else { return no; }
can please me this. in advance.
in save data method, looks you're never finalizing statement or closing database
sqlite3_finalize(statement); sqlite3_close (_database);
perhaps database still locked previous save attempt.
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