apache - PHP zipping ends with Internal Server Error -

i have php script on server zips few directories 1 zip file. normally, runs fine. today, it's taking longer , ends page says "internal server error".

when check directory zip gets created, seems zip made half way there (as file half size should , corrupted).

in logs, see error: mod_fcgid: process 30172 graceful kill fail, sending sigkill

any ideas problem is?

this code i'm using (and note works fine of time):

$zipfolders[] = 'httpdocs/'; $zipfolders[] = 'includes/';  $zip = new ziparchive();  if ($zip->open($sourcefilename, ziparchive::create) !== true) die ("could not open archive");  foreach ($zipfolders $zipfolder)  {     $iterator = new recursiveiteratoriterator(new recursivedirectoryiterator($zipfolder));      foreach ($iterator $key=>$value)      {         if ( (substr($key, -1) != '.')&&(substr($key, -2) != '..') ) {                       $zip->addfile(realpath($key), $key) or die ("error: not add file: $key");          }     } }  $zip->close(); 

thanks help.


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