internet explorer 8 - BreezeJS's 1.4.1 isolateES5Props causing Out of Stack Space error in IE 8 -

using 1.4.1 of breezejs found new code added isolate es5 properties causing ie 8 have following error:

error getting metadata: metadata import failed breeze/breeze/metadata; unable process returned metadata:object doesn't support property or method 'getprototypeof'

we tried using both uber proto's getprototypeof ( , es5-sham ( both result same issue.

we tried removing regular json.parse , using json2's version same results.

metadata import failed /breeze/breeze/metadata; unable process returned metadata:out of stack space

chrome, firefox, , ie 9+ work without issue, ie 8 support required. can comment out line work:

 // isolatees5props(proto); 

but i'm guessing cause issues somewhere down line.

this should fixed in breeze v 1.4.2, available now.


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