c# - what can I use to create a datafile for multiple users to access at once, without a server -

i'm not sure if there better way word question, here trying achieve.

i trying create simple application installed , used on different computers on network, access same data file. sort of microsoft access.

would ado.net dataset trick? or there type of class made this? ...or restricted plain file fileshare?

playing around ado, saw, i'm not sure can make stand alone data file sit on mapped network drive.

dont use access wont handle more 4 or 5 concurrent users. need database sql server, mysql, oracle.

you install 1 of these databases on server , connects server via connection string. without server use http://www.sqlite.org/different.html , here how use c#: is there .net/c# wrapper sqlite?

ado.net dataset trick, can use sqldatareaders , sqldataadapters. there many examples on site, ado.net.


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