php - Only generate string with a Max of X length and Min of X -

i have script generates possible permutations of something. thing is, don't know how make list max of, lets say, 10 characters , minimum of 3 characters.

<?php  ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');  $possible = "abcdefghi";  $input = "$possible";  function string_getpermutations($prefix, $characters, &$permutations) {     if (count($characters) == 1)         $permutations[] = $prefix . array_pop($characters);     else     {         ($i = 0; $i < count($characters); $i++)         {             $tmp = $characters;             unset($tmp[$i]);              string_getpermutations($prefix . $characters[$i], array_values($tmp), $permutations);         }     } } $characters = array(); ($i = 0; $i < strlen($input); $i++)     $characters[] = $input[$i]; $permutations = array();  print_r($characters); string_getpermutations("", $characters, $permutations);  print_r($permutations);  ?> 

currently outputs 400,000 possibilities , that's tiny fraction of want. (i literally want possibilities, huge problem memory usage, that's problem.)

does know how this?


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