ruby - Resque - Not Processing Queue -

i have web based app built using sinatra. recent needing collect data @ regular intervals , store them in database. told use resque , clockwork gems in combine.

every hour or need 15 calculations based on database , store results in database.

so approach took. decided make 15 classes have perform method ( exact file used testing below ). thing similar resque.enqueue( graphdata ) 15 classes.

class graphdata    @queue = :graph_data    def self.init()    end    def self.perform() '/home/ziyan/desktop/resque.txt', 'a' ) { | file | file.write( "resqueu - performed - #{}\n" ) }   end  end 

to trigger operation testing purposes, created rake task.

desc "start resque workers queue" # {{{ task :graph_data |t|    env["queue"]      = "*"   env["vverbose"]   = "1"   env["interval"]   = "5"    resque.enqueue( graphdata )   #resque =   #resque << end # }}} 

as see, in graphdata class, under self.perform method writing file.

my problem doesn't! have done thing wrong?

rake graph_data show no output. web interface show job in queue.

additional information

i added rake task running web interface.

desc "start resque web frontend" # {{{ task :resque_web_frontend |t|   sh "resque-web -p 8282"   puts "resque web frontend running on http://localhost:8282" end # }} 

over their, thing interesting seen. run rake task, under stats pending value increases not processed.

under queues -> graph_data see thing this.

class   args graphdata   [] graphdata   [] graphdata   [] 

what ended with:

desc "start resque workers queue" # {{{ task :graph_data |t|    env["queue"]      = "*"   env["vverbose"]   = "1"   env["interval"]   = "5"    rake::task[ "resque:work" ].invoke   resque.enqueue( graphdata )   #resque =   #resque << end # }}} 

is in development or production? describe, looks not lauching resque process. how running app? i'm more familiar using resque rails, should have run like:

rake resque:work queue='*' 

to have resque worker start.


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