java - ListOfFiles, getPath, shuffling when have more than 3 -
im using display image in folder , subfolder, "works fine", files named in form ex:
17000.001 17000.002 18555.001 18542.001 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 .....
the .xxx extension (a renamed tiff)
the program works in way:
you type number want, example: want 17000, type 17000, , return first .001 in screen, , others .002, .003 , how many have, want walk throught next image button , previsoly image...
the problem is: when try search number have more 4 .004 or more, dont display first, display "random", .002, 004 or other cant understand why, piece of code "path" it!! dont kill me because code ^^!
public void geralistaarquivos(string subdir, string matricula) { string diretorio = "f:\\registro_sql\\imagens\\livro02" + "\\" + subdir + "\\"; string novaimagem = null; file folder = new file(diretorio); listoffiles = folder.listfiles(); if (!folder.exists()) { joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null,"não existe o diretório em que está tentando fazer busca"); } else { // joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, diretorio); (int = 0; < listoffiles.length; i++) { string matsonome[] = listoffiles[i].getname().split("\\."); (int i2 = 0; i2 < matsonome.length; i2 = i2 +2) { if(matsonome[i2].matches(matricula)) { system.out.println(matsonome[i2] = "." + matsonome[i2+1]); ... rest of code, if typed number image exist in folder
i dit string matsonome check if first part of array matches typed number,.. i2 +2, coz wwhen split example 17000.001 , 17000.002
will in way:
matsonome[0] = 17000 matsonome[1] = 001 matsonome[2] = 17000 matsonome[3] = 002
in case "system.out.println(matsonome[i2] = "." + matsonome[i2+1]);"
will display correct cuz have less 4
17000.001 17000.002
but if typed number have 4 or more, display in way(out of order):
xxxx.002 xxxx.001 xxxx.004 xxxx.003
sorry bad english :(
i believe it's because order isn't guaranteed (if correctly understand question).
see documentation:
there no guarantee name strings in resulting array appear in specific order; not, in particular, guaranteed appear in alphabetical order.
that means you'll have sort array using static function.
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