c# - Nancy Razor partial views do not render in release mode -

partial views render in debug mode not release mode.

stack trace

[argumentnullexception: value cannot null. parameter name: key]     system.collections.concurrent.concurrentdictionary`2.getoradd(tkey key, func`2 valuefactory) +5895838     nancy.viewengines.defaultviewcache.getoradd(viewlocationresult viewlocationresult, func`2 valuefactory) +329     nancy.viewengines.razor.razorviewengine.getorcompileview(viewlocationresult viewlocationresult, irendercontext rendercontext, assembly referencingassembly, type passedmodeltype) +186     system.dynamic.updatedelegates.updateandexecute5(callsite site, t0 arg0, t1 arg1, t2 arg2, t3 arg3, t4 arg4) +401     callsite.target(closure , callsite , razorviewengine , viewlocationresult , irendercontext , assembly , object ) +575     nancy.viewengines.razor.razorviewengine.getviewinstance(viewlocationresult viewlocationresult, irendercontext rendercontext, assembly referencingassembly, object model) +1128     system.dynamic.updatedelegates.updateandexecute5(callsite site, t0 arg0, t1 arg1, t2 arg2, t3 arg3, t4 arg4) +401     callsite.target(closure , callsite , razorviewengine , viewlocationresult , irendercontext , assembly , object ) +495     nancy.viewengines.razor.<>c__displayclass1f.<renderview>b__1e(stream stream) +470     nancy.viewengines.razor.htmlhelpers`1.partial(string viewname, object modelforpartial) +1872     razoroutput.razorview.<execute>b__3() +632     nancy.viewengines.razor.nancyrazorviewbase`1.executeview(string body, idictionary`2 sectioncontents) +374     nancy.viewengines.razor.<>c__displayclass1f.<renderview>b__1e(stream stream) +775     nancy.hosting.aspnet.nancyhandler.processrequest(httpcontextbase context) +81     system.web.callhandlerexecutionstep.system.web.httpapplication.iexecutionstep.execute() +913     system.web.httpapplication.executestep(iexecutionstep step, boolean& completedsynchronously) +165 

master.cshtml (relevant section only)

@if (issectiondefined("sidebar")) {     <div id="two-col">         @renderbody()     </div>     <div id="sidebar">         @rendersection("sidebar")     </div> } else {     <div id="one-col">         @renderbody()     </div> } 


@inherits nancy.viewengines.razor.nancyrazorviewbase<dynamic> @{ layout = "master.cshtml"; }  // html body, doesn't use model  @section sidebar {     @html.partial("/sidebars/sidebar.cshtml", model) } 

sidebar.cshtml (sample section)

<ul> @foreach (var item in model.items) {     <li>@html.raw(@item.displaytext)</li> } </ul> 

i had problem recently, linked master layout pages. looking @ index page 1 of 2 things, me, path master page or path partial. if remove leading slash on partial url or if master page in shared folder, add full path url (without leading slashes or ~/).

this found solution. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/nancy-web-framework/zrlth_hl2r8



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