Integrating Facebook login with native login system -

i run web application has own native registration , login system.

now add facebook login site, , integrate native registration system. check email returned facebook, , add user database flag indicating facebook user, , authenticate user.

while have idea of how implement system, inputs on whether should use facebook sdk javascript, or server-side sdk. see facebook recommends javascript sdk webapps. in case of integrating native system, ideal choice? believe javascript sdk work when login purely facebook, , meant simple authentication-required views.

can has worked facebook login decision?

you right integrating facebook javascript sdk not choice native log-in system in case have pass input(userid) server side program facebook id/email id synchronize user native system, javascript. 3 way channel > facebook - js(user browser) - server, makes less secure user id can ping server , log user in.

i working on same scenario need enable users login facebook option. native login system integrated application. used php sdk inspite of js sdk.


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