ios - From iPhone app to Universal app, user interface considerations -

as in title, i'm developing iphone app. use nib files, don't use storyboard, , know ipad i'll need replace of controls use iphone, since, instance, in ipad more suitable use popovers in places, , other considerations. i'm not sure if i'd need create separate nib file targeted ipad per each nib file have iphone, or should convenient thing not needed, or can keep 1 nib file if views example scroll views or table views, , resizing things enough...

what want guidelines avoid redundant files , work when creating ipad version of existing iphone version, , best practices are, since don´t find how handle this, programmatically speaking, neither in apple's docs nor in posts...

thanks in advance

edit. question dealing icons , images: let's have image view 50x50 in iphone. have 2 .png images iphone version of image: 50x50 , 100x100 retina display. let's need image 80x80 in ipad. should best way deal this: having 4 versions of image (50x50, 100x100, 80x80, 160x160)? or having greatest versions (the 80x80 , 160x160 ipad), , resizing them smaller iphone? in general, best practice this, having 1 image file per each size need, or having greater need , fitting smaller sizes?

at xib files should use autolayout constraints. introduced in ios6. key , war patience , time setting correctly constraints. 1 xib can used iphone , ipad too, not needed 2 separate files in way. speed of development 2 file faster develop, @ least me...


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