java - Parsing json array with no name in android -

i have json array string no name , want parse how can in android ?

my jsonarray :

  [   {      "categoryid":1,     "title":"rock",     "songs":null   },     {      "categoryid":2,     "title":"jaz",     "songs":null     }   ] 

try this..

jsonarray jsonarray = new jsonarray(json);  (int = 0; < jsonarray.length(); i++) {         jsonobject jsonobj = jsonarray.getjsonobject(i);        system.out.println("categoryid : " + + " = " + jsonobj.getstring("categoryid"));        system.out.println("title : " + + " = " + jsonobj.getstring("title"));        system.out.println("songs : " + + " = " + jsonobj.getstring("songs")); } 


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