php - Syntax error : the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 mysql -

i made function dao generates insert query, , simple query gives syntax error.

i checked mysql reserved words , added function, when occur backticks.

public static function buildinsert(&$db, $otable) {     $db = db::get();     $q = "insert " . $otable->table . " ";     $class = get_class($otable);     $q .= '(';     $i = 0;      foreach ($class::$artablefields $key => $value) {         $i++;         if ($otable->primarykey == $class::$artablefields[$key])             continue;         if (empty($otable->arassoc[$key]))             continue;         if (in_array($key, db::$reservedmysqlwords))             $key = "`" . $key . "`";          $q .= $key;         $q .= ($i == sizeof($class::$artablefields) ? '' : ',');     }      $q .= ')';     $q .= ' values (';      $i = 0;     foreach ($class::$artablefields $key => $value) {         $i++;         if ($otable->primarykey == $class::$artablefields[$key])             continue;         if (empty($otable->arassoc[$key]))             continue;         $q .= (!empty($otable->arassoc[$key]) ? (is_numeric($otable->arassoc[$key]) ? $otable->arassoc[$key] : "'" . $db->real_escape_string($otable->arassoc[$key]) . "'") : "' '");          $q .= ($i == sizeof($class::$artablefields) ? '' : ',');     }      $q .= ') ';     return $q; } 

now when throw in filled table object generates following string:

insert customer (firstname,lastname,email,password,joindate,newsletter,banknumber,street,number,zip,country,city,discountpoints) values ('david','errrr','','#$dasd21143','0000-00-00 00:00:00',1,32,'blabla',138,'3153bb','hongkong','paris',6)

which results `error in query:

you have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near '' @ line 1`


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