variables - Why does this work (or how)? -

in email today received email getting unused drive letters. this solution:

get-childitem function:[d-z]: -name | where-object {-not (test-path -path $_)} 

powershell magazine brainteaser had solution, same thing.

ls function:[d-z]: -n|?{!(test-path $_)}|random 

i have no idea how function:[d-z]: works. know each character between 'd' 'z' used don't know why syntax works.

testing get-childitem function:[d-a]: -name gives error saying get-childitem : cannot retrieve dynamic parameters cmdlet. specified wildcard pattern not valid:[d-a]:

so dynamic parameter? how come not show get-help gci -full?

function: psdrive exposes set of functions defined in current session. powershell creates function each single letter drive, named letter followed colon.

so, function:[d-z]: lists functions "d:" through "z:"

function:[d-a]: doesn't work because , d-a isn't range of letters.


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