ios - Cocos2d - move a sprite from point A to point B in a sine wave motion -
what best way this? see cceasesineinout action doesn't used this.
i need move 1 side of screen other. sprite should move in sine-wave pattern across screen.
i have complete control on ccnode
motion. use ccaction
s basic things. while case sounds simple enough possibly ccaction
s, show how move ccnode
according function on time. can change scale, color, opacity, rotation, , anchor point same technique.
@interface somelayer : cclayer { ccnode *nodetomove; float t; // time elapsed } @end @implementation somelayer // assumes nodetomove has been created somewhere else -(void)startaction { t = 0; // updatenodeproperties: gets called @ framerate // exact time between calls passed selector [self schedule:@selector(updatenodeproperties:)]; } -(void)updatenodeproperties:(cctime)dt { t += dt; // option 1: update properties "differentially" cgpoint velocity = ccp( vx(t), vy(t) ); // have provide vx(t), , vy(t) nodetomove.position = ccpadd(nodetomove.position, ccpmult(velocity, dt)); nodetomove.rotation = ... nodetomove.scale = ... ... // option 2: update properties non-differentially nodetomove.position = ccp( x(t), y(t) ); // have provide x(t) , y(t) nodetomove.rotation = ... nodetomove.scale = ... ... // in either case, may want stop action if condition met // i.e.) if(nodetomove.position.x > [[ccdirector shareddirector] winsize].width){ [self unschedule:@selector(updatenodeproperties:)]; // perhaps want call other method [self calltosomemethod]; } } @end
for specific problem, use option 2 x(t) = k * t + c
, , y(t) = * sin(w * t) + d
math note #1: x(t)
, y(t)
called position parameterizations. vx(t)
, vy(t)
velocity parameterizations.
math note #2: if have studied calculus, readily apparent option 2 prevents accumulation of positional errors on time (especially low framerates). when possible, use option 2. however, easier use option 1 when accuracy not concern or when user input actively changing parameterizations.
there many advantages using ccaction
s. handle calling other functions @ specific times you. kept track of can pause them , restart them, or count them.
but when need manage nodes generally, way it. complex or intricate formulas position, example, easier change parameterizations figure out how implement parameterization in ccaction
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