user interface - GUI button calling another GUI with autohotkey -
i attempting make decision tree type program multiple gui's in autohotkey. have figured out how make work 1 time, reason can't more once. code works:
gui, add, text, x72 y20 w220 h20 , type of request? gui, add, button, x12 y50 w100 h30 , password gui, add, button, x132 y50 w100 h30 , apperror gui, add, button, x252 y50 w100 h30 , accessrequest gui, add, button, x252 y90 w100 h30 , notsure gui, add, button, x132 y90 w100 h30 , hardwareproblem gui, add, button, x12 y90 w100 h30 , rightschangerequest gui, show,center, decision tree return exitapp buttonpassword: gui, destroy gui, add, text, x72 y20 w220 h20 , passwords: user trying access? gui, add, button, x12 y50 w100 h30 , windows gui, add, button, x132 y50 w100 h30 , outlook gui, add, button, x252 y50 w100 h30 , remoteapps gui, add, button, x252 y90 w100 h30 , notsure gui, add, button, x132 y90 w100 h30 , ao gui, add, button, x12 y90 w100 h30 , voicemail gui, add, button, x132 y130 w100 h30, gui, show,center, passwords return buttonwindows: gui, destroy msgbox, 4, something, remote user? ifmsgbox yes msgbox, ifmsgbox no msgbox, return
i have more code rest of buttons work fine. here's part doesnt:
buttonapperror: gui, destroy gui, add, button, x142 y220 w100 h30 , ana1 gui, add, button, x22 y60 w100 h30 , ana2 gui, add, button, x22 y100 w100 h30 , ana3 gui, add, button, x22 y140 w100 h30 , ana4 gui, add, button, x22 y180 w100 h30 , ana5 gui, add, button, x22 y220 w100 h30 , ana6 gui, add, text, x62 y20 w130 h20 , program erroring? gui, show,center,applications return buttonana1: gui, destroy gui, add, text, x132 y20 w30 h20 , ana gui, add, button, x162 y60 w100 h90 , somestuff gui, add, button, x22 y170 w100 h90 , somestuff2 gui, add, button, x22 y60 w100 h90 , somestuff3 gui, add, button, x162 y170 w100 h90 , somestuff4 gui, show, x260 y159 h307 w282, ana return
button ana1 (or ana2 or ana3 etc) doesn't work reason. see no difference in formatting between top , bottom. feel dumb question, i've asked 3 other people take @ , nobody can seem figure out.
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