mvc 3 - MVc error with EF -

i create model hasnt relation tables ef. when add in context , run app create database had error in application-start:

one or more validation errors detected during model generation: : entitytype 'urlhelper' has no key defined. define key entitytype. : entitytype 'requestcontext' has no key defined. define key entitytype. : entitytype 'httpcontextbase' has no key defined. define key entitytype. : entitytype 'exception' has no key defined. define key entitytype. : entitytype 'type' has no key defined. define key entitytype.

code in global.asax below:

    public class myinitializer : dropcreatedatabaseifmodelchanges<dbta>     {     }     protected void application_start()     {         //for creating , initializing database myinitializer());         **dbta db = new dbta();**//error shows here         db.database.initialize(true);         //          arearegistration.registerallareas();          registerglobalfilters(globalfilters.filters);         registerroutes(routetable.routes);     } 

but when removed model app problem solved, need model.

please lot

you should set "key" property in 'urlhelper' model. if use ef code first - in model should add attribute [key] 1 of properties. if use model first approach - in model should mark 1 of properties primary key. if use database first approach - should create primary key in table.


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