c# - How can you set an entire object using LINQ to SQL? -

so if want update row in db using values in received object same pk, how that. reason needed because objects quite extensive , create place have change field names if update database. question how 1 go assigning object object retrieved database using linq? show i'm talking clarify.

//foo object received here, called recfoo using (var newcontext = new foodatacontext()) {     var obj = newcontext.t_foo.single(x=>x.id == recfoo.id);     //set obj = recfoo (directly)     newcontext.submitchanges(); } 

i know can set each individual attribute (obj.name = recfoo.name...), there way can take received object using pk id , assign values inside of recfoo?

edit: solution

    using (var newcontext = new foodatacontext()) {     //var obj = newcontext.t_foo.single(x=>x.id == recfoo.id);     //set obj = recfoo (directly)     newcontext.t_foo.attach(recfoo);     newcontext.refresh(system.data.linq.refreshmode.keepcurrentvalues, recfoo);      newcontext.submitchanges(); } 

have tried newcontext.yourentity.attach(youralreadypopulatedobject)

in tell linqtosql record exists in database , updating it.


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