handlebars.js - Meteor template: Pass a parameter into each sub template, and retrieve it in the sub-template helper -

i trying figure out how pass parameter sub-template in each block , use parameter in sub-template sub-template helper. here tried far:


<template name="parent"> {{#each nodes }} {{> child myparam}} {{/each}} </template>  <template name="child"> {{ paramname }} </template> 


template.parent.nodes = function() {  //return list }; template.parent.myparam = function() { return {"paramname" : "paramvalue"}; }; template.child.someotherhelper = function() { //how access "paramname" parameter? } 

so far, hasn't been working, , seems somehow mess input node list also.

when use {{> child myparam}}, it's calling child template , associates myparam current template data context, meaning in template can reference {{paramname}}.

in someotherhelper use this.paramname retrieve "paramvalue". however, when you're using {{#each nodes}}{{> child}}{{/each}}, means pass content of current list item (fetched localcursor or directly array item) template data of child, , can reference list item properties using {{field}} in html or this.field in js.

what's happening here when call {{> child myparam}}, myparam helper content overwrites current node item template data, that's why it's messing node list.

a quick (dirty) trick extend myparam helper contains template data {{#each}} block.

template.parent.helpers({   nodes:function(){     // simulate typical collection cursor fetch result     return [{_id:"a"},{_id:"b"},{_id:"c"}];   },   myparam:function(){     // here, equals current node item     // _.extend our param     return _.extend({paramname:"paramvalue"},this);   } });  template.child.helpers({   someotherhelper:function(){     return "_id : "+this._id+" ; paramname : "+this.paramname;   } });  <template name="parent">   {{#each nodes}}     {{> child myparam}}   {{/each}} </template>  <template name="child">   {{! going output same stuff}}   <div>_id : {{_id}} ; paramname : {{paramname}}</div>   <div>{{someotherhelper}}</div> </template> 

depending on you're precisely trying achieve, there might better approach 1 gets job done @ least.


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