java - what is the faster way to get the first img from URL string? -

it must recognize both forms:

<img src='' width="89px" > <img alt="ciao" width="89px" src="" > 

here quick code made. not tested should work. cut string array of sub strings "/" being cut. 1 of our sub strings has contain image, if not there no image file.

string[] src2=src.split("/"); string result="noting found !";  for(int i=0; < src2.length; i++) {    if( src2[i].contains("img") && (src2[i].contains(".png") || src2[i].contains(".jpg")/* more extensions */) ) { // add more extensions if needed       result = src2[i];       break;    { }  result = result.split(" ")[0]; //will cut @ first "space" , take "img.jpg" not "width"  if(!result.equals("noting found !")) system.out.println("we found image: "+result); 


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