python - how to download file by urllib2.urlopen -

i know how download simple file urrlib2.urlopen

but end url not simple has special character in :

" mathematician's apology.pdf "

special character mathematician's ' in path

some how know

is url have use download file if don't have kind of end url me every time

please give me solution can download file has special url

i have basic method can used don't know how use

  1. urllib.quote(string[, safe])
  2. urllib.quote_plus(string[, safe])
  3. urllib.unquote(string)
  4. urllib.unquote_plus(string)

please me method example


why not use this?

filename = url.split('/')[-1] cleanurl = urllib.quote(url) urllib.urlretrieve(cleanurl, filename) 


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