node.js - Javascript objects - feature missing from overall object, yet exists -

strange problem here. i'm running node/express/mongoose/leaflet. pull array of locations db, , once callback initiated, iterate on locations find bunch of string passages deals each location. try append array of passages each location object, , append locations array geojson featurecollection.

location.find({}, { _id: 0 }, function (err, locations) {     if (err) {         console.log('db error loading locations');     res.redirect('/'); } else {     var num = 0;     console.log("beginning finding passages");     locations.foreach(function (location) {     num++;     console.log("looking location");     passage.find({"placekey":}, function (err, passages) {         if (err) {             console.log('db error finding passage for: ' +;         } else {             console.log("passage found!");    = passages[0]; //take first passage             num--;         }         if (num === 0) {             console.log("all passages found!");             var featurecollection = {                 "type": "featurecollection",                 "features": locations             };             console.log(featurecollection);             console.log(featurecollection.features[0].properties);             console.log(featurecollection.features[0].properties.passages);             res.json(featurecollection);             console.log("json sent over!");         }     }); }); 

logging featurecollection gets me featurecollection without passages:

{   "type": "featurecollection",   "features": [     {       "type": "feature",       "properties": {         "num_books": 62,         "age": "built 1078",         "id": "",         "num_mentions": 325,         "place": "the tower",         "placekey": "thetower",         "geocodenotes": "",         "notes": "built on site of roman fortifications, central part of tower, known white tower, built in 1078 william conqueror. subsequent rings of fortification added later. used royal residence prison , place of execution until elizabethan times. england's child king, edward v, , brother murdered in tower in 1483 supposedly uncle, richard iii.",         "class": "n/a",         "type": "landmark"       },       "geometry": {         "type": "point",         "coordinates": [           -0.076111,           51.508056         ]       }     },    // more objects 

no passages property.

however, when use console.log(featurecollection.features[0].properties.passages), first passage:

 {   "_id": "51deebdbb2b5de1b8b6d7da1",   "index": 27100,   "bookid": 1,   "author": "ainsworth, william",   "place": "the tower",   "placekey": "thetower",   "query_ok": true,   "year": 1839,   "corpus": "chadwyck",   "fn": "/volumes/liladata1/plain2/chadwyck/lilabookid_00149.txt",   "context_a": "the course of carpenter's meditations here...   //more features } 

moreover, using (if 'passages' in featurecollection.features[0].properties) gives me true. in fact, can condition sending json response server that, , featurecollection without passages sent...

sorry long-winded post, i'm going crazy on this. ideas?

thank you! :)

the problem inspect defined on document interfering console.log operation. inspect not consider properties added document instance (like documentinst.prop=1).

to fix problem try use tojson on return documents , attach properties return object

in case,

var _locations = [];  locations.foreach(function(_location){ // actual mongoose document    var location;    location = _location.tojson(); // tojson on _location mongoose document    _locations.push(location); //push object new array _locations    ....logic passages...    //imp - add properties location object return tojson    if (num === 0) {     ...      var featurecollection = {             "type": "featurecollection",             "features": _locations // use new _locations array       };      ...  } 



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