asynchronous - How to wait for an async method to be completed in a background tast -

implementing backgroung task fetch checksum on remote server , update live tile accordingly, i've bumped timing issue.

here's code :

        matchlistimpl.istherenewresults();         newslistimpl.istherenewnews();          raisetoast();         updatetile(); 

it's rather simple. first 2 calls refering async function download 2 files "*.cksum" using webconnector. last 2 calls update tile , raise notification depending on content of downloaded files.

the problem later function executed before 2 files downloaded, async method not being completed. , of course, whole logic of thing void.

my question : there way "pause" execution of task wait async method on ?

as absolutely unelegant, second question : there not better way of doing ?

thanks yours answers :)

you can pass current class async task , in onpostexecute method of async class call raisetoast() , updatetile() example: assuming in raisetoast() using files downloaded in matchlistimpl async task , can pass current class raisetoast() in ther async task class , in it's constructor.

class matchlistimpl extends asynctask{     classcontainingraisetoast myclass;     //contructor:     matchlistimpl(classcontainingraisetoast myclass){     this.myclass = myclass;     }     ...      @override     //this method executed after finishing asynctask job     protected void onpostexecute(string result) {         super.onpostexecute(result);           // raisetoast() must declared public in myclass              myclass.raisetoast();     }  } 

so don't call raisetoast() in myclass itself. , call in asynctast class istead!


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