ios - Go to next UITextField in different UITableViewCells -

i have uitableview x number of cells. in cells there x number uitextfields. want next-button on keyboard highlight next textfield. got working in same cell not when it's supposed jump textfield in different cell. first textfield in each cell has tag 0 , second tag 1 , on. code:

- (bool)textfieldshouldreturn:(uitextfield *)textfield{      // fetch current cell     uitableviewcell *cell = (uitableviewcell *)textfield.superview.superview;      // tag next textfield     nsinteger nexttag = textfield.tag + 1;      uitextfield *nexttextfield;      for(uitextfield *subview in cell.contentview.subviews){          if([subview iskindofclass:[uitextfield class]]){              if(subview.tag == nexttag){                  nexttextfield = subview;                 break;              }          }      }      if(nexttextfield){          // go next textfield         [nexttextfield becomefirstresponder];      } else{          // indexpath current cellen         nsindexpath *indexpath = [travellerstableview indexpathforcell:cell];          uitableviewcell *nextcell;          // while cell exist @ indexpath         while([travellerstableview numberofsections] > indexpath.section+1){              nextcell = [self tableview:travellerstableview cellforrowatindexpath:[nsindexpath indexpathforrow:indexpath.row insection:indexpath.section+1]];              if(nextcell){                  for(uitextfield *subview in nextcell.contentview.subviews){                      if([subview iskindofclass:[uitextfield class]]){                          if(subview.tag == 0){                              nslog(@"%@", subview.placeholder);                              nexttextfield = subview;                             break;                          }                      }                  }                  // go next textfield or cell                 if(nexttextfield){                     [nexttextfield becomefirstresponder]; nslog(@"next!");                     break;                 } else{                     indexpath = [nsindexpath indexpathforrow:indexpath.row insection:indexpath.section+1];                 }              }          }          if(!nexttextfield){ [textfield resignfirstresponder]; }      }      return no;  } 

the nslog's behave expected. have different placeholders in textfields , next 1 echoed. next! echoed it's trying becomefirstresponder.

i found issue. didn't fetch nextcell tableview correctly. how should like:

nextcell = [travellerstableview cellforrowatindexpath:indexpath]; 


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