c++ - Why are duplicate messages being logged -
i'm new log4cplus. have following configuration:
log4cplus.rootlogger=trace, stdout log4cplus.logger.zios.utl.thread=debug, stdout log4cplus.appender.stdout=log4cplus::consoleappender log4cplus.appender.stdout.layout=log4cplus::patternlayout log4cplus.appender.stdout.layout.conversionpattern=%d{%h:%m:%s} [%t] - %m%n
which load following code:
try { log4cplus::propertyconfigurator::doconfigure("log4cplus.properties"); } catch (...) { cout << "exception occured while opening log4cplus.properties" << endl; }
it loads without incident whenever log something, 2 messages appearing in log. example, log using code:
logger log = logger::getinstance("zios.utl.thread"); log4cplus_debug(log, "thread created");
and appears in log is:
17:10:48 [3075459952] - thread created 17:10:48 [3075459952] - thread created
any idea why happening?
you have 1 appender , use twice, 2 loggers:
log4cplus.rootlogger=trace, stdout log4cplus.logger.zios.utl.thread=debug, stdout
this means appender attached root logger , zios.utl.thread
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