android - Keeping data in memory for the lifetime of an app -

i have data accessible number of different activities. in fact data kept in memory lifetime of app.

is possible? data structure using (i populating linkedhashmap on app launch) sometimes, not always, when linkedhashmap accessed activities, returned object null. cannot reproduce myself, know it's happening @ it's logged google analytics.

if use type of class...

public class global {   public static linkedhashmap<string, fsflight> flightsmap = new linkedhashmap<string, fsflight>();    public global() {   // todo auto-generated constructor stub       }   }  

is possible?

that depends upon definition of "the lifetime of app". if mean "the lifetime of process", use static data member.

sometimes, not always, when linkedhashmap accessed activities, returned object null.

since there no "returned object" in code, impossible assist on point.


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