android - SQLite Query Confusion, Less than Greater than -

i give function day , hour , want fetch column_day1=day , hour in between 2 text-not-null columns column_from1 , column_to1. weird thing if give hour 7, , from1 , to1 contain 6 , 9 respectively, return positive search. if give hour 12 , from1 , to1 containt 11 , 17 respectively search works.

but, when give 7 , from1 , to1 contain 6 , 10 respectively search doesn't work. think it's related 10 being 2 digit , 6 being 1 digit or along lines. below cursor query use please help, , doing wrong?

cursor cursor = database.query(mysqlitehelper.table_comments,                 allcolumns, mysqlitehelper.column_day1 +" ='" + day+                         "' , " +mysqlitehelper.column_from1 + " <=" + hour+                         " , " +mysqlitehelper.column_to1+ " >" +hour                         , null, null, null, null); 

edit: should return true when column_from1 contains 6 , column_to1 contains 10.

function writes data sqlite database:

inputstream =getresources().openrawresource(r.raw.ems_data);         bufferedinputstream bis = new bufferedinputstream(is);          bytearraybuffer baf = new bytearraybuffer(50);          int current = 0;          while ((current = != -1) {              baf.append((byte) current);          }          byte[] mydata = baf.tobytearray();         string datainstring = new string(mydata);         string[] lines = datainstring.split("\n");          (int i=0; i<lines.length; i++){             comment = datasource.createcomment(lines[i]);             // adapter.add(comment);         } 


the createcomment(); function:

public comment createcomment(string comment) {         contentvalues values = new contentvalues();         //parse data in string comment         string[] words = comment.split("\\t");          values.put(mysqlitehelper.column_comment, comment);         values.put(mysqlitehelper.column_name, words[0]); //adds column "name"         values.put(mysqlitehelper.column_contact, words[1]);         values.put(mysqlitehelper.column_day1, words[2]);         values.put(mysqlitehelper.column_from1, words[3]);         values.put(mysqlitehelper.column_to1, words[4]);         values.put(mysqlitehelper.column_day2, words[5]);         values.put(mysqlitehelper.column_from2, words[6]);         values.put(mysqlitehelper.column_to2, words[7]);          //expected error above after day2 since can null          long insertid = database.insert(mysqlitehelper.table_comments, null,                 values);         cursor cursor = database.query(mysqlitehelper.table_comments,                 allcolumns, mysqlitehelper.column_id + " = " + insertid, null,                 null, null, null);         cursor.movetofirst();         comment newcomment = cursortocomment(cursor);         cursor.close();         return newcomment;     } 

found answer!

parsing not done beautifully correctly , end of line character \r causing problems sqlite database not recognizing end '9' 9. added line:

comment = comment.replaceall("(\\r|\\n)", ""); 

before parsed data \t delimiter , worked!


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