knockout.js - Using Underscore Template with Knockout using interpolate due to -


i need use underscore template instead of default knockoutjs template engine due performance. however, since i'm in environment default tags of <% , %> not work because of handler.

working jsfiddle

not working jsfiddle

what need apply following:

_.templatesettings = {     interpolate : /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g }; 

making use {{ , }} tags

note 7: using underscore.js template engine

the underscore.js template engine default uses erb-style delimiters (<%= ... %>). here’s how preceding example’s template might underscore:

<script type="text/html" id="peoplelist">     <% _.each(people(), function(person) { %>         <li>             <b><%= %></b> <%= person.age %> years old         </li>     <% }) %> </script> 

here’s simple implementation of integrating underscore templates knockout. integration code 16 lines long, it’s enough support knockout data-bind attributes (and hence nested templates) , knockout binding context variables ($parent, $root, etc.).

if you’re not fan of <%= ... %> delimiters, can configure underscore template engine use other delimiter characters of choice.


from above bold documentation

it states can change delimiter doesn't specify specifics on how it...

current attempt

ko.underscoretemplateengine = function() { }; ko.underscoretemplateengine.prototype = ko.utils.extend(new ko.templateengine(), {     rendertemplatesource: function (templatesource, bindingcontext, options) {         // precompile , cache templates efficiency         var precompiled = templatesource['data']('precompiled');         if (!precompiled) {             precompiled = _.template("<% with($data) { %> " + templatesource.text() + " <% } %>");             templatesource['data']('precompiled', precompiled);         }         // run template , parse output array of dom elements         var renderedmarkup = precompiled(bindingcontext).replace(/\s+/g, " ");         return ko.utils.parsehtmlfragment(renderedmarkup);     },     createjavascriptevaluatorblock: function(script) {         return "<%= " + script + " %>";     } }); ko.settemplateengine(new ko.underscoretemplateengine()); 

update: no longer using above include jquery, underscore, , knockout. in script have

_.templatesettings = {     interpolate: /\{\{([\s\s]+?)\}\}/g }; 

however, nothing being parsed.

template declaration is

<script type="text/html" id="common-table-template"> 

working demo jsfiddle


<h1>people</h1> <ul data-bind="template: { name: 'peoplelist' }"></ul>  <script type="text/html" id="peoplelist">     {{ _.each(people(), function(person) { }}         <li>             <b data-bind="text:"></b> {{= person.age }} years old         </li>    {{ }) }} </script>  <p>this shows can use both underscore-style evaluation (<%= ... %>) <em>and</em> data-bind attributes in same templates.</p> 


/* ---- begin integration of underscore template engine knockout. go in separate file of course. ---- */     ko.underscoretemplateengine = function () { }     ko.underscoretemplateengine.prototype = ko.utils.extend(new ko.templateengine(), {         rendertemplatesource: function (templatesource, bindingcontext, options) {             // precompile , cache templates efficiency             var precompiled = templatesource['data']('precompiled');             if (!precompiled) {                 _.templatesettings = {                     interpolate: /\{\{=(.+?)\}\}/g,                     escape:      /\{\{-(.+?)\}\}/g,                     evaluate:    /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g                 };                  precompiled = _.template("{{ with($data) { }} " + templatesource.text() + " {{ } }}");                 templatesource['data']('precompiled', precompiled);             }             // run template , parse output array of dom elements             var renderedmarkup = precompiled(bindingcontext).replace(/\s+/g, " ");             return ko.utils.parsehtmlfragment(renderedmarkup);         },         createjavascriptevaluatorblock: function(script) {             return "{{= " + script + " }}";         }     });     ko.settemplateengine(new ko.underscoretemplateengine()); /* ---- end integration of underscore template engine knockout ---- */  var viewmodel = {     people: ko.observablearray([         { name: 'rod', age: 123 },         { name: 'jane', age: 125 },     ])         };  ko.applybindings(viewmodel); 


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