How to substitute an empty string (or null) with a default string concisely in Scala -
i have method returns string. want substitute default value such "<empty>"
if returns empty string or null
. let's assume name getsomestring
, expensive operation can call once, , can't change return type option[string]
. now, i'm doing following:
val mystr = { val s = getsomestring if (s == null || s.isempty) "<empty>" else s }
is there simpler way achieve same thing?
given expensive function:
scala> def s(i: int): string = match { case 0=>null case 1=>"" case 2=>"hi" } s: (i: int)string
i think easy read , free of overhead, cf this in wild:
scala> def q(i: int) = s(i) match { case ""|null => "<empty>" case x => x } q: (i: int)string scala> q(0) res3: string = <empty> scala> q(1) res4: string = <empty> scala> q(2) res5: string = hi
to eyes, not expressive, minimalist punctuation:
scala> option(s(0)) filternot (_.isempty) getorelse "<empty>" res6: string = <empty>
moreover, contrast cost in anonfun
classes closures , additional method invocations:
scala> :javap - size 1161 bytes md5 checksum 765f5f67b0c574252b059c8adfab1cf0 compiled "<console>" [...] 9: getstatic #26 // field scala/option$.module$:lscala/option$; 12: getstatic #31 // field .module$:l; 15: iconst_0 16: invokevirtual #35 // method .s:(i)ljava/lang/string; 19: invokevirtual #39 // method scala/option$.apply:(ljava/lang/object;)lscala/option; 22: new #41 // class $anonfun$1 25: dup 26: invokespecial #42 // method $anonfun$1."<init>":()v 29: invokevirtual #48 // method scala/option.filternot:(lscala/function1;)lscala/option; 32: new #50 // class $anonfun$2 35: dup 36: invokespecial #51 // method $anonfun$2."<init>":()v 39: invokevirtual #55 // method scala/option.getorelse:(lscala/function0;)ljava/lang/object; 42: checkcast #57 // class java/lang/string 45: putfield #17 // field res6:ljava/lang/string;
the pattern match if-else, smaller , faster (even considering doesn't optimise s == ""
scala> :javap -r #q public java.lang.string q(int); flags: acc_public code: stack=2, locals=5, args_size=2 0: getstatic #19 // field $line3/$read$$iw$$iw$.module$:l$line3/$read$$iw$$iw$; 3: iload_1 4: invokevirtual #22 // method $line3/$read$$iw$$iw$.s:(i)ljava/lang/string; 7: astore_3 8: ldc #24 // string 10: aload_3 11: invokevirtual #28 // method java/lang/object.equals:(ljava/lang/object;)z 14: ifeq 22 17: iconst_1 18: istore_2 19: goto 33 22: aload_3 23: ifnonnull 31 26: iconst_1 27: istore_2 28: goto 33 31: iconst_0 32: istore_2 33: iload_2 34: ifeq 44 37: ldc #30 // string <empty> 39: astore 4 41: goto 47 44: aload_3 45: astore 4 47: aload 4 49: areturn
but inspired other answer, if never take code home meet parents (because incorrectly converts value "null"
if expensive function returns -- though maybe it's feature that), here regex:
scala> def p(i: int) = "" + s(i) replaceall ("^null$|^$", "<empty>") p: (i: int)string
the "" + s(i)
shorthand string.valueof
, of course produces string "null"
null reference value. appreciate so's ability not generate quick answers questions, encourage out-of-the-box thinking.
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